CIC Group


Along with the trend of development and integration, grasping opportunities, CIC GROUP has been put all resources together for investment - developing fields that are considered advantage and key of the Group. CIC GROUP gradually affirmed its position in the fields of real estate investment, design and construction consultancy, financial investment and education in which the field of real estate investment is the top priority field.
CIC Group

Open letter

On behalf of Kien Giang Construction and Investment Consulting Joint Stock Company (CIC GROUP), I would like to send to our customers, investors; departments and agencies; CIC GROUP's shareholders and employees, the most sincere thanks for the support and cooperation during the establishment and development process of the Group.
CIC Group


Sustainable development, bringing the highest benefits to customers, shareholders and employees. Create high quality construction products “Quality – Effciency – Beauty – Discipline”. Create a professional, dynamic, creative, dedicated, transparent and modern working environment
CIC Group


Become a construction investment consulting group leading real estate business in Vietnam and surrouding areas, uperating versatile, multi-industry based platfrom sustainable development.


Application Instructions

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